The materials provided for printing must contain the following elements in Russian and English: article title, author's name and surname, place of work, abstract (no more than 100 words) and keywords (5–7).
Manuscripts are submitted to the editorial email in doc, docx or rtf formats, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing – 1. Footnote references (and comments) – size 12.
A separate file must be sent with information about the author: name, patronymic and surname, academic degree, academic title, place of work (study), position, contact information (phone number, email address). The phone number is necessary for the editor's prompt communication with the author, it will not be published in the journal.
Formatting bibliographic references
References to literature are given in the text of the article, immediately after the quote or confirmed data. The author's surname, year of publication and page are indicated in parentheses.
In the case when the author published several works in the same year, they are marked with Latin letters both in the list of literature and in the reference. For example: (Pallas, 1773a), (Pallas, 1773b, p. 244), (Gaisinovich, 1967d; 1988), (Kölreuter, 1940, p. 84).
References to archives and manuscript collections are formatted according to general rules, indicated in parentheses within the text of the article and included in the list of literature. All elements of archival references are separated by periods, for example: (RGADA. F. 248. Op. 113. D. 1579. L. 597–601).
A reference to an electronic resource is formatted in the text as for a published article or monograph, an indication of the website is formatted in the list of literature.
Short footnotes clarifying any provisions are allowed in the article.
Formatting the list of sources and literature
At the end of the article, there are two lists of sources and literature.
The first list is formatted in accordance with the RF standard GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference", introduced on January 1, 2009.
References to foreign sources in the list follow after Russian ones. Works that are not referenced in the text are not included in the list.
For books, the city, publisher, and number of pages are mandatory. For collections, the editor must be indicated (separated from the title by a slash (/)). The names of journals, newspapers and other periodicals are written in full, the volume, number (issue), and pages are indicated. The title of the publication where the article is published is separated from the title of the article by a double slash (//).
References to Internet resources are allowed. It is necessary to indicate the title of the source, then in square brackets indicate that it is an electronic resource [...], the URL and in parentheses the date of access.
Anisimov Iu.A., Dobrov G.M. Izuchenie istorii tekhniki v USSR // Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. Vyp. 1. M.: Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1956. S. 319–322.
Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ otdel rukopiseĭ Rossiĭskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ biblioteki (NIOR RGB). F. 255. Kn. 2. Ed. khr. 10.
Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv literatury i iskusstva (RGALI). F. 449. Op. 1. D. 230.
Iurkin I.N. Demidovy – uchenye, inzhenery, organizatory nauki i proizvodstva. Opyt naukovedcheskoĭ prosopografii. M.: Nauka, 2001. 333 s.
The Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of St Mary & St Nicolas, Spalding. 3rd edition. 2005. P. 6–7. [Elektronnyĭ resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 16.01.2024).
Formatting References
After the list of sources and literature, a bibliographic list is given, formatted according to international standards – References.
In this section, the following is indicated by transliteration into Latin:
- author's surname and initials;
- title of the work;
- title of the collection or journal;
- issue/volume number and its title (for continuing publications);
- name of the editor (for continuing publications and collections of articles).
The journal uses the BSI standard. For automatic transliteration according to this standard, use the following website:
The following are given in English:
- place of publication (e.g. St. Petersburg);
- name of the publisher;
- volume/issue number for continuing publications and journals;
- year of publication;
- number/range of pages;
- language of the work, if not in English (e.g. In Russian).
When compiling the bibliographic description, attention must be paid to the use of italics (see examples below).
Aleksandrov V.Ia. Po povodu pisʹma V. Kriukova "Oproverg li IA. Rapoport uchenie Lepeshinskoĭ?". Nauka i zhiznʹ, 1989, no. 5, p. 53. (In Russian)
Lepeshinskaia O.B. Moi vospominaniia. Abakan, Khakknigoizdat, 1957, 102 p. (In Russian)
Requirements for formatting illustrations (drawings, diagrams, photographs)
All images included in the text of the article must be numbered.
In the captions to the illustrations, it is necessary to indicate the name, date, source.
Images are presented as separate files in TIF or JPG formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.